Letter to My People

Hello everyone,

Thank you for chiming in to my site. For as long as i can remember, i always loved self improvement and creating new experiences with friends and family.

I'll tell you a bit about myself. I come from a small family of 5 that grew up in Louisiana in a little town called New Orleans.


My father instilled in us Islamic values and good morals/ethics since day 1. I grew up really close to my sisters because i didn't have a brother and basically forced them to be boys at that point haha, but it all worked out. Growing up with only sisters had its challenges but it did teach me a ton about my emotions and how to be more empathetic and compassionate. It was them that taught me to be sincere and well mannered. We fought like cats and dogs but nonetheless, it made us closer

Fast forward to my teenage years is when i started to take an interest in personal development and being more disciplined. i understood that if one wants to live a life of success, he must be in control of his life. and to be in control of ones life means to be in control of ones daily habits. That took me down this path that you now see me on. 

I forgot to mention i memorized the Quran in NYC and studied Business in college but that's not the important part. The important part is the person you become during the journey.

All praise to Allah, i got married back in October of '23 and it’s been such an amazing chapter of life. I'm learning everyday what it means to be a husband and to honor my wife as well. Everyday with her is truly a blessing that little me would've only dreamed of.

Content Creation has served me well in the last 5 years and it’s allowed me to drop out of college and retire both my parents and wife. It opened up opportunities to live life on my terms and be my own boss while teaching others how as well.

I have a YouTube channel where I share my life and a mentorship program (check menu if you’re interested) where I teach others to win in both Deen & Dunya. 

As i continue life on earth, i hope to be a symbol of light to whoever needs it. To be a guiding figure to those that feel lost and confused. And most importantly, be a better muslim to serve as a role model through my platforms.